皇冠官网网站的 摄影 courses offer a wide range of photographic media featuring traditional film and darkroom techniques and state of the art digital technologies. A strong emphasis is placed on acquiring professional skills to establish a successful creative art practice.

皇冠官网网站的 curriculum encourages students to investigate contemporary trends while being informed by the inextricable historic links of the medium to modernity. Explore topics such as the photograph as evidence, document, memorial, snapshot, and advertisement. Students develop work through critical inquiry and explorations of the constantly evolving lens-based field.

Beginning courses build foundational skills, while advanced students engage in proposal-based creative projects that establish concept development, 研究方法, 以及展览方式.

密歇根州立大学丹佛’s strong ties to the professional art community and close proximity to galleries, 博物馆, and other art institutions cultivate students’ experience in the field. Students are encouraged to participate in internships through the Applied Learning Center, which matches students’ skills and training to employers within the community.

Career possibilities for students include:

  • Client-based and editorial photography
  • 纪实摄影
  • 美术摄影
  • 网页照片编辑
  • 摄影后期制作
Students in the 摄影 facility standing behind a table of color photographs.
Students using specialized photography equipment. Interestingly, the subject of the photo they are taking is wearing an old fashioned gasmask.




皇冠官网网站的 6500 square foot 摄影 facilities are located within the main Arts Building.

We have several large traditional wet process labs, 单色暗室, 替代工艺实验室, and a state-of-the-art digital photography facility. 皇冠官网网站的 digital facility features 14 iMac workstations, 14台佳能大幅面打印机, 爱普生扫描仪和, an Imacon large format film scanner. All traditional labs are well ventilated and are equipped with medium and large format Saunders enlargers. A 希望 32″ color processor serves traditional color printing.


位于AR 175:

  • 周一上午8点至下午6点
  • 周二上午8点至下午6点
  • 周三上午8点至下午6点
  • 周四上午8点至下午6点
  • 周五上午9点至下午1点

Equipment for check out includes:

  • 佳能数码相机
  • 大画幅和中画幅相机
  • 外星蜜蜂照明套件
  • 尼康35mm胶片相机
Wide shot of students developing photographs.
Close up of a student developing photographs.
A student crops a print in the 摄影实验室.
Micro photography gear for student use.
摄影 chemical including developer, stop bath, rapid fixer, perma wash displayed.


Natascha Seideneck

Natascha Seideneck

Associate Professor - 摄影 Area Coordinator

(电子邮件保护) 303-615-1149

Students waiting for images to print.